The calendar commonly used in Christian nations is based on the year in which Jesus Christ was thought to have been born. Years prior to that are styled B.C., “Before Christ”, or sometimes B.C.E., “Before the Common Era”. Subsequent years are called Anno Domine (A.D.) “in the year of the Lord”, or sometimes C.E. “Common Era”. When no calendar is specified, A.D. or C.E. is usually meant.
Ancient Craft Masons commence their era with creation of the world, calling it Anno Lucis (A.L.) “in the year of Light”. Add 4000 years to common time; thus 2020 A.D. becomes 6020 A.L.
Royal Arch Masons date from 530 B.C., the year of the commencement of the second Temple by Zerubbabel: Anno Inventionis (A.I.) “in the year of Discovery”. Add 530 years to common time; thus 2020 becomes 2550 A.I.
Royal and Select Masters date from the year (3000 A.L.) in which the Temple of Solomon was completed: Anno Depositionis (A.Dep.) “in the year of deposit”. Add 1000 to the Christian era, thus 2020 becomes 3020 A.Dep.
Knights Templar date from the year 1118 when the original order was founded. Anno Ordinis (A.O.) “In the year of the Order” Subtract 1118 from the Christian era, thus 2020 becomes 902 A.O.
Anointed High Priests date from the blessing of Abraham by the High Priest Melchizedek in 1913 B.C. Anno Benedictionis (A.B.) “In the year of the Blessing” Add 1913 to the Christian era, thus 2020 becomes 3933 A.B.
The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Connecticut was formed on May 17, 1798. The Grand Chapter’s federal employer identification number (EIN) is 06-6039295. The Grand Chapter and all Constituent Chapters are 501 (c) (10) Non-Profit Organizations under Group Exemption Number (GEN) 2003. The Grand Chapter maintains a website on which this Directory and other pertinent information is posted. The address is:
The Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter is held on the first Saturday of June of each yearmm in conjunction with the Annual Assembly of the Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters. In 2024, the Annual Convocation will be on 2 June commencing at 8:30 am at the Courtyard Marriott in Cromwell, CT.
Monthly reports are due to the Grand Secretary on the 10th day of the month following the end of the month. The Annual report is due by April 30 to the Grand Secretary, with a check payable to Grand Chapter RAM of Connecticut and in the amount of the total of the following fees based on the number of members on the rolls of the Chapter on the preceding March 31. Per Capita is $ 20.00. The Grand Chapter Statutes and Law permit certain exceptions for dual members, 50- year members, and members in MHC or similar institutions.
The Grand Chapter of Connecticut is a member of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International, and supports its charity,Royal Arch Research Assistance (R.A.R.A.).Contributions should be made payable to Grand Chapter RAM of Connecticut and sent to the Grand Secretary.
The Grand Chapter of Connecticut also has an Educational Assistance program for DeMolay, Rainbow, Royal Arch Masons and their descendants. Application forms for scholarships are available from the Chairman of the Committee on Educational Awards.